NOMAS® Professionals | International
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NOMAS® practitioners have completed a comprehensive three-day training course and are proven to be reliable in the administration of the protocol. Practitioners are licensed for two-year periods to use the protocol in their practices. Biennial license renewal can be accomplished on this website. Renewal assures that practitioners are up-to-date on the correct adminstration of the NOMAS®. Another significant benefit of current licensing: complimentary membership in the NOMAS® Feeding Forum where every day, neonatal feeding professionals benefit from the experiences and advice of peers and other professionals.

# last name first name discipline country state
1 Ababtain Alanoud Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia 11461
2 Abdulkarim Lamya Speech Saudi Arabia
3 Abdullah Shaima M. Speech Pathologist Kuwait 123h13
4 Abdullah Sulaiman A. Speech Pathologist Kuwait
5 Abdullah Dana Occupational Therapist Kuwait
6 Abugamzah Wafa Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
7 Ackermann Carolin Speech-Language Pathologist Germany
8 Adel Sally Mohamed Speech-Language Pathologist Egypt
9 Adel Alzaher Bayan Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
10 Ahtola Carina Speech Finland
11 Al Eisa Raghad Speech Pathologist Kuwait
12 Al Kfeiri Zaimah Physiotherapist South Africa Mitchell’s Plain
13 Al Mulaik Nouf. Saleh Speech Saudi Arabia
14 Al Tais Malak Speech-Language Pathologist Saudi Arabia
15 Al-Akeel Abdulrahman Speech Saudi Arabia
16 Al-Ghamdi Khaled Speech Saudi Arabia
17 Al-Ghanim Suzanne Speech Saudi Arabia
18 Al-hajjaj Zahra Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
19 Al-Hammouri Ruba Speech Pathologist Kuwait 00000
20 Al-Harbi Taghreed Salem Speech Saudi Arabia
21 Al-Hussain Kholoud Speech Saudi Arabia
22 Al-Jahlan Yara Mohammed Speech Saudi Arabia
23 Al-Khwaiter Munirah Speech Saudi Arabia
24 Al-Mahrouck Hanan Saudi Arabia
25 Al-Mana Sana Abdulaziz Speech Saudi Arabia
26 Al-Masloukh Abeer Mohammad Speech Saudi Arabia
27 Al-ojairi Haneen Occupational Therapist Kuwait
28 Al-Rubaian Mariam S. Speech Pathologist Kuwait 72452
29 Al-Shurayhi Areej Mohammed Speech Saudi Arabia
30 Al-Turki Aziza S Speech Saudi Arabia
31 Al-Tuwaijeri Hanouf Abdulmohsen Speech Saudi Arabia
32 Alajmi Heba Speech Pathologist Kuwait
33 Alajmi Latifa Speech Pathologist Kuwait
34 Alali Rawan Speech Pathologist Kuwait Al-Kabeer
35 Alallah Jubara Saudi Arabia
36 Alanazi Shahad Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia 13223
37 Alarbash Zainab Physical Therapist Kuwait
38 Alaskary Heidi Speech Saudi Arabia
39 Alateeq Halah Abdulaziz Speech Saudi Arabia
40 Aldeghather Sarah Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
41 Aldera Maha A.H. Speech Saudi Arabia
42 Aldousari Maryam Speech Pathologist Kuwait
43 Alduaraibi Abrar Mohammed Speech Saudi Arabia
44 Alfadhl Dana A. Speech Pathologist Kuwait 72452
45 Alhazeem Mariam Ahmad Occupational Therapist Kuwait
46 Alkandari Ruqiah A Speech Pathologist Kuwait
47 Alkhodair Mashael Hamad Speech Saudi Arabia
48 Almeer Sarah J. Speech Pathologist Kuwait 72452
49 Almoammar Alhanouf Mohammed Speech Saudi Arabia
50 Almodaimeegh Haya I Speech Saudi Arabia
51 Alosaimi Shahad Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
52 Alqattan Dr. Shaima N. Speech Pathologist Kuwait 45712
53 Alquraini Fatima Speech Pathologist Kuwait
54 Alsahali Badour Abdulaziz Speech and Language PathologistBe Saudi Arabia
55 AlSaleh Maha Speech Pathologist Kuwait
56 AlSenan Fatemah Speech Pathologist Kuwait
57 Alshahrani Alanoud Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
58 Alshamali Ameena E. Speech Pathologist Kuwait
59 Alsuwailem Saleh Suliman Speech-Language Pathologist Saudi Arabia
60 Alyahyouh Asmaa Kuwait
61 Amadaj Nora Occupational Therapist Kuwait
62 Aman Aseel Omar Occupational Therapist Kuwait
63 Anjelin Raja Registered Nurse Kuwait
64 Anselmo Cheryl Speech Germany
65 Ariefdien Natasha Physiotherapist South Africa Elsies River
66 Armstrong Kim Speech UK Scotland
67 Avital Noa occupational therapist Israel
68 Baarmah Hind Ahmad Speech Saudi Arabia
69 Bagnall Annie Speech UK
70 Bagwell Natalie Speech Therapist UK
71 Baur-Huisintveld Ans Logopedist Netherlands Limburg
72 Beenakker Marye Speech Netherlands Groningen
73 Belliveau Margaret Nurse Canada Ontario
74 Bielling Rossana NICU Dev Spec Germany
75 Binzayed Reem Speech Pathologist Kuwait
76 Bitton Heidi Occupational Therapy United States LA
77 Boelens Lili-Marjan Infant Feeding Senior Scientist Netherlands
78 Boerman Mieke M Speech Netherlands Groningen
79 Bonnett Deirdre Nurse Canada Alberta
80 Bose Madhumati Early Interventionist India
81 Bose Madhumati Developmental Therapist India 110019
82 Boyle Victoria Speech Therapist UK
83 Bradley Deirdre Speech Pathologist Ireland
84 Brondijk Gerda Speech Netherlands Noord-Holland
85 Brousseau Anne Marie OT Canada Nova Scotia
86 Brozovic Blazenka Speech Pathologist Croatia
87 Buali Lina Mohammed Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia
88 Bukhamsin Aseel Speech Pathologist Saudi Arabia Eastern Province
89 Buriak Dina Wael Speech Saudi Arabia
90 Cacciacarro Lucia OT Canada Ontario
91 Cafferky Louise Speech Ireland
92 Carr Michelle Nurse/LC Canada Ontario
93 Chang HyunJung M.D.; Physiatrist South Korea
94 Chen Chao-Huei Neonatologist Taiwan, Province of China
95 Chien-Lin Lin Physiatrist Taiwan ROC
96 Choi Ja Young M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
97 Chow Jean Neonatal Nurse Canada Ontario
98 Chryssodaktylou Fifi Speech Pathologist Greece
99 Chung Yu-Wei Speech Taiwan ROC
100 Churcher Elizabeth OT Canada Ontario
101 Clements Liz Speech Therapist UK
102 Cowling Abbey Speech Therapist UK
103 Crawford Corrie Speech Pathologist Ireland
104 Croft Wanda Nurse Canada Alberta
105 D'Hondt Marleen Speech Belgium Antwerp
106 DaCosta S.P. Speech Netherlands Groningen
107 Dakhakhni Lama Abdullah Speech-Language Pathologist Saudi Arabia
108 Danbi Choi Occupational Therapist Korea, Republic of ROK 07074
109 De Alba Romero Concepcion Neonatologist Spain
110 De Boer Nynke J Logopedist Netherlands Utrecht
111 De Braak Inge Speech Netherlands Gelderland
112 de Heer-Mion Zimira Speech Netherlands Noord-Holland
113 Deacon Caroline Speech Therapist UK
114 DeBruyn Anne-Claire Speech Netherlands Utrecht
115 Derks Elna Logopedist Netherlands Noord-Brabant
116 Diaz Feliciano Maylynne Speech Pathologist Puerto Rico
117 Dougherty Dorothy Nurse Canada Ontario
118 Douglas Davina Neonatal Nurse Canada Ontario
119 Dubois Glynnis Nurse, Lactation Canada Ontario
120 Eeles Abbey OT Australia Victoria
121 Engels Michelle Logopedist Netherlands Utrecht
122 Essayed Gaber Elsayed Heba Speech Therapist Egypt
123 Evanochko Chris Nurse Canada Alberta
124 Fang Li-Jung Neonatologist Taiwan ROC
125 Fanning Jamie Kneale PT Canada Ontario
126 Fichaux-Bourin Pascale Physician; Speech Pathologist France
127 Finkel Angela Nurse, Lactation Canada Ontario
128 Fitzmaurice Katie Speech Pathologist Ireland
129 Floor Mirjam Logopedist Netherlands Utrecht
130 Forster Heather Speech Therapist UK
131 Fox Miriam Nurse Canada Alberta
132 Frakking Thuy Speech Pathologist Australia
133 Fransen Marian Speech Netherlands Zuid-Holland
134 Freund-Azaria Adi Occupational Therapist Israel
135 Friedman Hagit Researcher Israel
136 Frischknecht Keni Nurse/LC Switzerland Appenzell Ausserrhoden
137 Fukushima Erika Speech Pathologist United Arab Emirates
138 Garcia-Tormos Lourdes Speech Puerto Rico
139 Gaster Ineke Speech Netherlands Zuid-Holland
140 Geunyoung Jeon Occupational Therapist Korea, Republic of
141 Greene Zelda Speech Pathologist Ireland
142 Hadeed Alaa Hisham Speech Pathologist Kuwait
143 Hampshire Rachel Speech Australia NSW
144 Harding Celia Speech UK
145 Harris Rebecca Speech UK
146 Hartman Rina Speech Pathologist Israel
147 Haughey Caroline Speech Pathologist Ireland
148 Hayward Katherine Nurse/LC Canada Ontario
149 Heinen-Bathis Janina Speech-Language Pathologist Germany
150 Heres Hermien Speech Belgium Antwerp
151 Hikma Zakiati Adilla Physician Indonesia
152 Hinds Philippa Speech Therapist UK
153 Hoffmann-Keining Angela Speech-Language Pathologist Germany
154 Hoffmueller Nicole Speech Germany
155 Hogan Catherine Speech Pathologist UK
156 Homer-Sheppard Cathy Nurse Canada Alberta
157 Homveld Irene Speech Netherlands Utrecht
158 Hong Ji Won M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
159 Hong Mijin M.D., Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
160 Hong Seungbeen M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
161 Hong Bo Young Physician researcher Korea, Republic of
162 Horst Aafke Logopedist Netherlands Groningen
163 Hughes Jenny Woolard Speech Australia NSW
164 Ighut Joanna Speech Pathologist United Arab Emirates
165 Jazzar Omniyah Ahil Speech Saudi Arabia
166 Jenkins Nicola Speech Pathologist UK
167 Ji Futing Neonatal Nurse China
168 John Dr. Anna Neonatologist Kuwait
169 Kaasik Birgit Speech Estonia
170 Karjalainen Taina Speech Finland
171 Kaufman Nicole Speech Switzerland
172 Kelly Aileen Speech Pathologist Ireland
173 Kerber Vered Occupational Therapist Israel
174 Kerin Lourda Speech Pathologist Ireland
175 Killick Diane Nurse/LC Canada Ontario
176 Kim Soo-Yeon M.D. Physiatrist, Dept. of Rehab Medicine Korea, Republic of
177 Kim Bo Ryun M.D.; Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
178 Kinnunen Kaisa Speech Finland
179 Ko Eun Jae M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
180 Korpinen Anna-Kaisa Speech Finland
181 Korraa Afaf Neonatologist Egypt
182 Krehhov Julia Speech Pathologist Estonia
183 Kutbi Ibrahim Neonatologist Saudi Arabia
184 Kwon Jeong Yi MD / Pedi Psychiatry Korea
185 Laitinen Kirsi Speech Finland
186 Lamb-Roser Bernadette Logopedia Germany
187 Lapawa Marlene Nurse Canada Alberta
188 Lecoufle Audrey Speech Pathologist France
189 Lee Ahry M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
190 Lee Je-Sang Physician Korea South Korea
191 Lee Hye Yeon Occupational Therapist Korea
192 Lee Soo Jin M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
193 Lee Euikyun Occupational Therapist Korea, Republic of 05294
194 Leeuwenburg Eveline Speech Netherlands Zuid-Holland
195 Lekan Martina Nurse Slovenia Ljubljana
196 Leonardo Paiz Sofia Gabriela Pediatric Nutritionist Guatemala
197 Leung Yuen Shan Cecilia OT Hong Kong Kowloon
198 Luna Monica Martina Pediatrician; Developmental Medicine Mexico
199 Luther Maureen PT Canada Ontario
200 MacWilliam G Christine Nurse Canada Alberta
201 Magdaline Vineeba Speech Pathologist Kuwait
202 Makki Ruba Speech Saudi Arabia
203 Marchesan Julia Nurse Canada Ontario
204 Marks Helen Speech UK
205 Maroye Laura Osteopath Belgium
206 Masarei Anthea Speech UK
207 Mathew Jisha Elizabeth Occupational Therapist Qatar
208 Matkea Zelda Nurse Canada Alberta
209 Maurer Ilona Speech Switzerland
210 McClory Eilis Speec Pathologist Ireland
211 McDonald Claire Nurse Educator Canada Ontario
212 McInerney Michelle Speech Pathologist Australia
213 Meerkin Deena Nurse, IBCLC Israel
214 Menegus Teresa Speech Italy
215 Mielo Paula Speech Finland
216 Miller Georgina Speech Pathologist United Kingdom
217 Mistry Mita Speech UK
218 Morales Nancy Nurse Saudi Arabia
219 Morales Rodriguez Kenia Speech Pathologist Puerto Rico
220 Mostafa el-kasas Omnia Mohamed Sherif Speech-Language Pathologist Egypt
221 Murray Julia OT Japan Kadena
222 NIeyinyue Nieyinyue Physical Therapist China
223 Noseworthy Julianne Occupational Therapist Canada
224 Oesterlein Mandy Logopedist Germany
225 Oh Byung-Mo M.D. Physiatrist (Doctor of Physical Medicine) Korea
226 Pagan Carol M.Rodriguez Speech Pathologist Puerto Rico 00959
227 Pagan Peralta Jeannette Speech Pathologist Puerto Rico
228 Pallas Elodie Speech Pathologist France 31400
229 Park Hye Jung M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
230 Park Ho Eun M.D. Physiatrist Korea
231 Park Hae-Yeon M.D. Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
232 Pentikainen Taina Speech Finland
233 Perez Maria Clinical Nutritionist Guatemala 01015
234 Poole Monica Nurse Canada Ontario
235 Prade Leila Sauer Speech Pathologist Brazil
236 Praveena Kamalin Speech Pathologist United Arab Emirates
237 Puech Michele Speech Pathologist France
238 Rabinovich Gila Occupational Therapist Israel
239 Ragesh Parvathy Occupational Therapist Qatar
240 Raj Taniya Speech Pathologist United Arab Emirates 11001
241 Ramella Barbara Italy
242 Raveikko Leena Speech Finland
243 Rissa Marja-Liisa Speech Finland
244 Rivera Madieliz Rolon Speech Pathologist Puerto Rico
245 Rombert Joana Speech Portugal
246 Rommel Nathalie Speech Belgium W Flanders
247 Roosjen Paula Speech Netherlands Overijssel
248 Rundjan Lily Neonatologist Indonesia 0000 000 000
249 Rundjan Lily Neonatologist Indonesia
250 Ryan Martina Speech UK
251 Ryu Ju Seok M.D.; Physiatrist Korea, Republic of
252 Safadi Laila Nurse, IBCLC Israel
253 Salila Sumi Manomohanan Speech-Language Pathologist United Arab Emirates
254 Salmenoja Outi Speech Finland
255 Salvarakis Gillian PT Canada Ontario
256 Santavuori Kaarina Speech Finland
257 Sasson Michelle Klapp Lactation Consultant Mexico
258 Scholten Saskia Speech Netherlands Gelderland
259 Schram Maaike Logopedist Netherlands Zuid-Holland
260 Schwarze Annett Logopedist Germany
261 Scott Amanda Speech Pathologist Ireland
262 Segaar Lucja Scientist Netherlands
263 Seo Ji Won Occupational Therapist South Korea Gwangjin-gu
264 Shannon Clare Speech Therapist UK
265 Shipov Ruth Occupational Therapist Israel
266 Sibbernsen Colleen Speech Australia NSW
267 Sigal Osnat Occupational Therapist Israel
268 Sijbesma-Bomcke Joalieke Logopedist Netherlands Gelderland
269 Silberstein Dalia NIDCAP Nurse Israel
270 Sipila Mari Nurse Finland
271 Sloan Marina Speech Therapist UK
272 Smith Margaret Mary Speech Ireland County Cork
273 Smith Bethany Speech Pathologist England
274 Smits Susanne Speech Netherlands Limburg
275 Sokolov Buzganovic Sandra Speech-Language Pathologist Serbia and Montenegro
276 Sollner Rahel Logopedist Germany
277 Sorvoja-Lahdesmaki Anne Speech Finland
278 Spaans Irene Speech Netherlands Noord-Holland
279 Spirit-Jones Amanda Speech Pathologist Australia NSW
280 Strom Ulla Speech Finland
281 Sung-un Ryu Occupational Therapy South Korea
282 Tammik Marina Speech Pathologist Estonia
283 Thomas Priya R. Nurse Kuwait
284 Tianchan Lv Nursing China 201102
285 Tolmie Jenna Occupational Therapist Canada Ontario
286 Torola Helena Speech Finland
287 Trani Chagoya Yessica Patricia M.D., Physiatrist Mexico
288 Treur Melissa Nurse Canada British Columbia
289 Tsai Sen-Wei Physiatrist Taiwan ROC
290 Ullrich Cindy Dietician Canada Ontario
291 van der Engel Lenie Speech Netherlands Gelderland
292 van der Ham Caroline Speech Netherlands Utrecht
293 van der Heul Maiise Speech Netherlands Noord-Brabant
294 van der Merwe Jacoline Physiotherapist Saudi Arabia
295 van der Pauw Jolijn Logopedist Netherlands Noord-Brabant
296 van Gerven Marjo Speech Netherlands Gelderland
297 van Hulst Karen Speech Netherlands Gelderland
298 van Voorst Marieke Speech Netherlands Noord-Brabant
299 Verbeek Maud Speech Netherlands Limburg
300 Verdoorn-v.d. Wijst Anne Marie Logopedist Netherlands Zuid-Holland
301 Verrette Elaina Lactation Consultant Canada
302 Villapudua Myriam A. Speech Pathologist Canada
303 Villarreal Anayansi Alvarenga Neurodevelopment Therapist Panama Panama
304 Villegas Romina Soage NURSE Spain
305 Viola Jasmine Registered Nurse Kuwait
306 Von Berg-Schurink Ine Logopedist Netherlands Noord-Brabant
307 von Sondern Sina Speech and Language Therapist Germany
308 Vyas Pearl physician researcher Netherlands
309 Walker Carlette Nurse Canada Alberta
310 Wanh Porter OT Canada Ontario
311 Warren Joanne LC Canada Ontario
312 Weis Freyda Speech Israel
313 Williams Jo Speech Therapist UK
314 Willis Katy Speech UK
315 Yong Hyo JU Occupational Therapist Korea, Republic of
316 Yoon In Jin Occupational Therapist Korea, Republic of
317 Yoon Jin A M.D. Physiatrist, Dept. of Rehab Medicine Korea, Republic of
318 Young Julie Speech Ireland County Galway
319 Yu Jia-Ling OT Taiwan ROC
320 Yun Ra-You M.D. Physiatrist, Dept. of Rehab Medicine Korea, Republic of
321 Zaytoun Rehab Speech-Language Pathologist Egypt
322 Zinman Sharlene OT Canada BC
323 Zivanovic Ana Speech Pathologist Serbia and Montenegro